Monday, July 31, 2017

Lake Anna Map

First is a map I put together using Google My Maps. It includes key areas related to the Lake Anna area. Click around and read the captions I've included in the map to understand the area better.

Below it 
is a similar map I made with ArcGIS.  I personally found it easier to use the Google applicaiton, however that does not mean it is better.  I think I need to learn more about using ArcGIS.  I probably could have found files for some of the features/borders I included by hand.  I foudn it easier to draw features by hand using the Google application.  I also had challenges creating a key in ArcGIS like I was able to do in Google My Maps.  I do like all the different types of base maps you can use with ArcGIS.

Visit to Lake Anna Nuclear Information Center

Today I was able to visit the North Anna Nuclear Information Center.  I learned more about the nuclear power plant, how Dominion decided on a location to create the lake, and about some of the impacts on the Environment. I plan on visiting the state park in the area soon, and I will post more information that I gather from them once I am able to visit when they are open.

The nuclear information center does programs with schools, and I am working on seeing if I can put together a joint trip to that center and the Lake Anna State Park.

Here is a picture of the area when they were first creating the lake in the late 1960s/early 1970s.  I apologize for the poor quality. In 1968 Dominion purchased 18000 acres of land, and today Lake Anna covers 13000 of those acres.

Here is a map of the different nuclear power plants in Virginia

Here are some examples of displays they have at the center

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Basics of Ecology Screencastify Recording

Click on the link below to see the screencast I mentioned I would be making in the previous post using screencastify.  It was the first time I ever did anything like that, so please forgive me for any kinks during the video :) There are definitely some minor hiccups in the screen cast.  However, it gives you an idea of what the tool is capable of, it allowed me to practice using the tool, and it is an example of what that presentation would be like if I were to give it to a group of people. 

I had challenges embedding the video file, so that is why I am providing the link.  It is 61 minutes long, and that might be why I had challenges.  If you would like to go through it at your own pace+skip the youtube videos included, you can go through the individual slides posted in the previous post.  You can also click on the settings icon in the previous post to view the notes that go with the slides.

The Basics of Ecology Slides

Here is the slideshow presentation I put together on the basics of ecology.  This took me a while because of some summer trips I had and because I was learning how to use a new tool called Screencastify I have made a screen cast using that tool and I hope to post it shortly.  The screen cast is about 1 hr long, but it is closer to 40 minutes if you don't watch the videos.