Sunday, November 20, 2016

Below you will find information on the invasive species, tree of heaven. My students and I have come upon this tree many times during various envirothon activities.
Look through the slides below. This will allow you to join me through my thought process of trying to figure out what test kits to purchase. I am trying to figure out what test kit would be the best to use with my school's envirothon team and my students during their resources unit.
Go through the presentation below to learn more about the contribution nutrient runoff from a watershed has on the water chemistry of streams and aquatic environments in general.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Here is a review of the dendrology related to the watersheds and areas our students live in. The trees included in this presentation are ones I and our school's envirothon team have seen examples of in Stafford county.  Not all of them are found in the same abundance.